A Who’s Who for the Village of Cross Tree

Cross Tree and it’s environs are waiting to be explored. Created with Campaign Cartographer 3+ using the Spectrum Overland symbol set.

My aim when I started this blog was to create bite-sized or modular source material that TTRPG gamemasters could use for inspiration or to help run their games. In pursuit of this, I’ve spent the past couple months creating and populating a starting village named Cross Tree.

Cross Tree is intended to be a simple starting area that can easily be dropped into just about any fantasy setting, while using pretty much any rule set. GMs can use the whole thing as is, or simply pick and choose the elements that work for their game. Others may just lift an NPC or a bit of text that inspires them. I’ve fleshed out several of the most important locations within the village and have turned my eye toward writing some adventures that would use Cross Tree as a home base.

I’ve written previously regarding using a “Who’s Who” as a tool for managing NPCs and places within your campaign. I’ve been doing this for over 40 years and the practice has served me well. I’ve linked the original post above but basically, whenever I create an NPC or location that the players are likely to encounter, I jot down a line or two about them. This not only helps me while we’re at the table but also while I’m putting adventures together.

As I start piecing together my first adventure out of Cross Tree, here’s what I’ve got so far:

Carrowmar Forest – The forest surrounding the Village of Cross Tree, home to various adventures and the location where Karia found an antique suit of armor (see blacksmith).

Cross Tree – An ancient oak located across from the church. This is the tree that the village is named for, due to a cross burned into it. (see the Cross Tree Inn for the story of the tree).

Cross Tree InnThe inn of the village where many locals and travelers gather. Managed by Killian Merric and his niece Karia.

Fuchs, Astolpho – Owner of the mercantile in Cross Tree. Originally from a large city, he and his wife Gina are in hiding after betraying a thieves’ guild.

Fuchs, Gina – Wife of Astolpho Fuchs, co-owner of the mercantile. They are both in hiding after escaping from a life entangled with a thieves’ guild.

Grenton – A major trade hub to the west of Cross Tree and the original home of Derrick McQuarrie.

Keen, Adam – Father of Taryn Keen, also an adventurer in his youth. Adam vanished around the same time his brother Benjamin did.

Keen, Benjamin – Uncle of Taryn Keen and previous owner of the stables, known for his obsession with the legend of a lost city. He went missing two years ago.

Keen, Taryn – Current owner of the stables, who took over after her uncle Benjamin went missing. She is relatively new to the village and is working to restore the stables.

Kormou, Leagis – The priestess of a nature deity residing in the village church, known for her peaceful demeanor and extensive travels.

McQuarrie, Derrick – The village blacksmith, a skilled craftsman originally from the city of Grenton. He settled in Cross Tree after being hired to work on the village bridge.

Merric, Karia – Niece of Killian Merric, who helps him run the Cross Tree Inn. She is an aspiring herbalist and plays a significant role in the village.

Merric, Killian – The proprietor of the Cross Tree Inn, known for his hospitality and knowledge of the local area.

Nicodemus – A reclusive old man living in the ruined tower. He is mysterious and known to be knowledgeable about many things, possibly magical.

Pine Creek – The small river along which the Village of Cross Tree is settled.

Tinkering around with hexes in true old-school fashion but I’m not quite there yet.


That will do it for this week. Thank you for taking the time to visit and I hope you have a great week!

For more on the Village of Cross Tree, go here.

For maps & plot hooks, go here.

For my Idea Chest posts, go here.

For some random tables, go here.

Want to help me to compile a list of TTRPG conventions? Click here.

Finally, for a bit about me and some general stuff, this is the spot.

4 thoughts on “A Who’s Who for the Village of Cross Tree

  1. Very nice, I like the summaries. I’ll also check out your Who’s Who article. I’ve been thinking about other ways to organize module information myself, and thinking a relational diagram of some sort could be very helpful in some cases.

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