Jungle Ruins

Nestled in the deepest jungles of the southern continent, Gowandian tribes live among the ruins of ancient civilizations. Gowandian scholars frequently take pilgrimages to distant lands in order to record major events but many secrets still lay hidden away in the wilds of this remote nation.

Treading through the jungle’s heart, the silence is broken only by the rustling leaves and distant calls of unseen creatures. The air is thick with the enchantment of magic, and the path ahead is veiled in mysteries waiting to be unraveled.

This map reveals a forgotten sacred site where ancient tribes once sought the blessings of Ka-Zaa, the god of magic. Weathered standing stones form a mystical triangle around a statue of the deity, depicting the harmonious blend of mind, body, and spirit required to master arcane powers.

Nature has claimed these ruins with a lush overgrowth. Vines and ferns intertwine with remnants of a mysterious past. Among the crumbling stones, a spiral staircase tempts adventurers to descend into Wakou M’baque, a lost city swallowed by time and the gods.


Keeping this one brief, as I’m hoping to build on it in coming weeks. I had originally intended for the party to be attacked by axe beaks outside the ruins. However, it felt like an empty combat so I opted to just let the tension build as the adventurers investigate the scene. That’s all for now. Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!

For more maps & plot hooks, go here.

For some random tables, go here.

Want to help me to compile a list of TTRPG conventions? Click here.

Finally, for a bit about me and some general stuff, this is the spot.

1 thought on “Jungle Ruins

  1. Pingback: The Lost City of Wakou M’baque | Talaraska

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