The Blacksmith

Location #6 on the map of the Village of Cross Tree is the blacksmith.

Rhythmic clanging of metal strikes can be heard as one approaches this simple structure, located just south of the great “Cross Tree” that the village is named for. Situated along the western shore of Pine Creek, a simple living quarters stands at the northern part of the property, with a partially enclosed workshop out front.

Created using Campaign Cartographer 3+ with the Dungeons of Schley symbol set.

Derek McQuarrie

Derek McQuarrie. Publisher’s Choice Quality Stock Art @ Rick Hershey / Fat Goblin Games.

The village blacksmith, Derek McQuarrie, is a man of sturdy build with a rugged beard. He’s a striking fellow of roughly 30 years of age, bearing a long scar down the right side of his face. Well-muscled from years spent plying his trade, initial impressions of the blacksmith would suggest he was quite stern. However, despite his imposing presence, his hands are always extended in welcome to visitors.

Originally contracted by Astolpho Fuchs (see the Mercantile) to produce new supports for the village’s sole bridge, Derek ended up deciding to remain in the village. That was nearly 6 years ago now and the blacksmith has built a comfortable life for himself.

Derek was born in the bustling city of Grenton, a major trade hub situated to the west of Cross Tree. Orphaned at a young age, he took up a role as an apprentice blacksmith. Growing up in the shadow of the forge, Derek learned the trade and mastered the art of shaping metal long before he was fully grown. Cross Tree provided a place where he could establish his own name, free from the competitive pressures of the city.

The village of Cross Tree. Created with Campaign Cartographer 3+ using the Cities of Schley symbol set.

The Blacksmith Shop

A solid oak wall on the eastern side shields the workspace from the wind and provides hanging space for tools and materials. The rest of the shop is open to the elements, supported by sturdy wooden beams that frame the structure. The workshop is cluttered yet organized, with various projects in different stages of completion laid out on worktables.

A stone forge stands along the western wall of the structure and this is where the proprietor can often be found. His actual living quarters are modest but cozy. In the southeast corner, a ladder disappears through a trapdoor to the bedroom above.

Plot Hooks & Encounters

  • Antique Armor: A few weeks ago, Karia Merric (from the Cross Tree Inn) found a suit of armor while wandering through the Carrowmar forest looking for herbs. Upon her return to the village, she mentioned it to Derek and he set out immediately to retrieve it. The armor is quite ornate and fashioned in a style from another age. The blacksmith is curious about its origins and may hire the party to do some research (or perhaps scour the woods for other pieces).

  • Supply Chain Disruption: Derek is facing a shortage of high-quality iron due to disturbances at the local mine (perhaps a strike or a natural disaster). He might hire the party to sort out the troubles at the mine, ensuring that his supply of metal isn’t jeopardized.
  • The Debt: Derek confesses to the party that he’s indebted to a merchant from his past in Grenton due to the initial funding he received to set up his forge in Cross Tree. The merchant has come calling for repayment with interest, and Derek needs help negotiating more favorable terms or finding a way to quickly raise the needed funds.
  • A Rival’s Challenge: A rival blacksmith from a neighboring town has challenged Derek to a crafting competition. Derek needs assistance to gather rare materials scattered throughout the region. Adventurers can help him win the contest, which would not only uphold his reputation but also attract more business to Cross Tree.


That will close the book on another location in the village of Cross Tree. While there are some other notable individuals within the village, I am feeling a call toward adventure. I think next week it will be time to start delving into some adventures that use Cross Tree as a hub. Thanks for taking the time to stop by and I hope you have a great week. Good gaming!

For more on the Village of Cross Tree, go here.

For maps & plot hooks, go here.

For my Idea Chest posts, go here.

For some random tables, go here.

Want to help me to compile a list of TTRPG conventions? Click here.

Finally, for a bit about me and some general stuff, this is the spot.

3 thoughts on “The Blacksmith

    • Thanks Faust! I appreciate that very much. Having been without a regular game for over a year now, the blog has been a nice outlet to escape from real work. Interacting with folks on here has been very refreshing. Hopefully I can muster up something fun with the adventures.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Pingback: A Who’s Who for the Village of Cross Tree | Talaraska

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